The surroundings of El Muellito and the two breakwaters of the Playa Chica beach are magical places to go diving and enjoy yourself during the day and at night.

It is the perfect place to observe how the fauna changes after the sunset. This shallow dive is the perfect spot to go “snorkeling”, try dive and for beginner divers; however, even experienced divers enjoy it after the incursions into the deepest walls.

From land or boat, this area allows people to do more than 10 different routes of differing levels. For those who want to go for a relaxing dive with snorkel gear, do their first try dive (test dive) or even a night dive, this is the perfect place due to the abundant life that is found at the Playa Chica beach and between the shore and the El Muellito. The light of the sun, the shoals of mullets, salema, white sea bream, saddle sea bream, striped sea bream, the colourful ornate wrasses and the canary damselfish will hypnotize you. A careful look at the rocks will reveal the colourful sea slugs like the species Hypselodorispicta or the harlequin crab.

During the night, a completely different fauna appears on the sand. The nocturnal sandy areas turn into an authentic garden, full of anemones with all kinds of animals such as cardinal fish, octopus or rare animalslike the white-spotted octopus, conger eels and comb stars. As the sun goes down, most of the fishfall asleep because it is the night the invertebrates turn: the narval shrimp rise from the depths to be fed, the polka dot shrimp or the harlequin crab.

inmersiones muellito Buceo en Lanzarote
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